
Testimonial from Trevor Roberts School
Testimonial from Trevor Roberts School
Thank you letter
Wellington Primary School Hounslow

Wellington Primary School


Strawberry7 has worked with our school for a number of years and over that time has delivered us excellent support, as well as helped saved the school money. As a head teacher I, nor my SLT, have much time and it is therefore a relief to have our Strawberry7 consultant take care of matters with intelligence and relevant knowledge.

Strawberry7 have helped us through our building project as well as many other difficult obstacles. I would highly recommend them to any school.

Wellington Primary School Hounslow New Building

Wellington is a two form entry community primary day school for girls and boys aged 3+ to 11

All 15 classes are of mixed ability.

Nursery and Reception comprise The Foundation Stage, Years 1 and 2 make up Key Stage 1 and the Infant School, Years 3 to 6 make up Key Stage 2 and the Junior School.

StPauls CoE Primary School Brentford

St Paul's CoE Primary School


Strawberry7 stepped into the breech for us at what was a very difficult time. He immediately sorted out our requirements for the future and also provided us with the support which we had missed during this period.

We are able to rely upon Adam to sort out the day to day issues and also to provide us with a working plan for the development of IT across the school.

He is always up to date with the information he gives us regarding the development of new technologies and equipment and is very keen to support these in school.

He has worked closely with the IT coordinators of the school, seeking to advise them as they further develop the technology within the school. He is always at the end of the phone, providing assistance as we need it. He is able to suggest alternative providers for the myriad of services linked to IT and is never fazed by the questions fired at him.

Adam has also worked on behalf of the school as it moves towards the switch over from one provider to another – not an easy task. He has helped us to keep to deadlines and has ensured that the company has as full a picture of our needs as is possible.

Orchard Primary School Hounslow

Orchard Primary School


I have known Strawberry7 for nearly 3 years in their capacity as ICT support at Orchard Junior School and Orchard Primary School. During this time Adam has worked with great commitment and loyalty to the school. He was involved in the organisation of our improved network system following our amalgamation in 2008 and continues to ensure that he gives us the best possible advice and support in all areas of ICT. He has been involved in the procurement and maintenance of resources, arranged for repair, liaised with companies when we have considered upgrading and installing equipment and has also supported in class when time has allowed ensuring that pupils have had the best possible ICT experience.

Adam is a flexible and adaptable person who works well in the school environment. He has become an integral member of the Orchard Primary School staff and I can fully recommend his services to you.

St Mary's Catholic School

St Mary's RC Primary School


Strawberry7 have empowered us to move forward with our ICT at a speed and in a way that suits us. In six months Strawberry7 has assisted us with the implementation of iPads, Macs, a new server, new PCs, a change of internet provider and a network refresh.

Adam is a valuable member of staff who is willing to take on any task and ensure it is completed with professional responsibility. With his valuable advice and support, we always feel confident that our ICT is moving forward to meet staff and students expectations.

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